
Try to understand women’s emotional behavior

Obviously, men are different with women in many aspects, especially the way they look into our world. Women used to be more emotional and sensitive. But how does this difference come from?Why women are so emotional - a scientific explanation.The left and right brain.Men and women have different structures, and so are the ways your brain works. Women tend to use the left and right brain, while the men left. To create the left side of our brain that is responsible for logical thinking and problem solving, and the right side is competent to perform the prosodic features of language, creativity, understanding of the face and emotion. Therefore, it is on the left side of the brain's attention to our intelligence and the right side is also responsible for the equalizer. Therefore, men can use the left brain more, is an effective treatment situations by applying logical reasoning and rationality. Although women use both hemispheres of the brain and, therefore, the problems and challenges in a creative and connect with his emotions. Even on the right side of the brain responsible for our ability, our feelings, our thoughts and language to understand the least.Women are better expressed in.Women have a more developed limbic system. The limbic system refers to aspects such as human behavior, emotions and memory. As far as feel and express their feelings better, and the other stops. Although the problem with this is that the doors of depression, especially if they undergo hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Therefore, during this phase, a woman may seem too emotional and moody.Women feel more pain.Amygdala is a region of the brain are activated when a person suffers from pain. It belongs to the amygdala of the limbic system, but more emotions associated with pain. Amygdala in men and women. However, men and women to take the pain differently. Women feel more pain than men. This may be due to the fact that if the physical pain, morphine men less than women may be declared for the same amount of pain relief. Why do women feel more pain than men, are looking for a song in their pain and their treatment.Men and women are different.So it is that women feel more and feel a different way than men. They cry and shout things, especially when it reflects the PMS, or are pregnant. There are so many changes in a woman's body every month, sometimes the questions seem to be a normal job. So when we talk about the case of pain or stress, which seem to be emotionally. Men suffer from relatively low-intensity changes, and to inspire so easily. And he did. Therefore, viewed from the perspective of a man, women seem to be spiritual.Women are emotional, yes, but they are "very emotional" than men. Not only that many women are too emotional, and the reasons that the hormonal changes that may be in them, or could have a bad past. Some people, men and women, it is difficult to arrive at a situation or forgotten, as in the past and forward to find. These people tend to cling to their past and are very emotional about little things.It is a great advantage to understand why women are so emotional for both sexes. This will help women overcome depression and anxiety with the ease of self-realization. To help men and discreet, to be perfectly normal and natural for women, as emotional as they are. He knows what women really want, and certainly a happy life.This is why women are also known, better pick up new languages ​​and be creative.

