
What happens to our body during Ageing?

Changing brought on by old age cannot be stopped, as this is a natural phenomenon.But happens in our body during aging?In fact human body is changing every time since we are born.When we are young ,the changes are good ,for we are becoming stronger and more powerful to fight against the bad factor in our life.But we have enough ages,the body changes can be frustrated,for we become weaker and weaker in many.The changes are visible not only in appearance but also felt inside the body. These changes reduce the restriction of movement of features and change the appearance of youth.Here is a summary of how aging changes your body:Wrinkles of the skin and hair • begins to clear and black.reduces the ability of the general tasks of the Agency thinks slowest. The memory is evil.The muscles are weak and there is a lack of energy.Digestion is slow and weak. You can search for people age, difficult to digest.Loss of bone mineral and people their age are more susceptible to fractures from falls.youthful appearance disappears and is replaced by the loose skin and wrinkles.The hair begins to turn white, and a little less.The body's immune system is reduced and therefore more susceptible to disease.There is a deterioration of vision in the eye, and the elderly are unable to see how they are used when young.Instead of growing cells in the body, free radicals cause cellular damage and lead to other symptoms of aging.the body is more susceptible to problems such as arthritis, diabetes and hypertension.The skin becomes thinner and the bottles of oil and sweat glands are not functioning normally. The skin is able to retain moisture and thus dry and itchy.the signs of aging are seen in biochemical and cellular processes. The last part of chromosome replication, and the polymer does not shorten the chromosome continued. Briefly shows the signs of aging, such as biological functions, reduced fertility and increased mortality.Ageing is a natural phenomenon in life. However we take some measures to slow our body aging ,such as doing properly exercing and make a good diet plan which row foods can take up more than 70% of all the food. We can also keep active in our daily life .Thus you can reduce the elements of aging,keep your healther.

